We’ve got answers.

My company wants to get involved, who do we contact?

Shoot us an email!

How much money do I get?


Is it worth it?


Who runs this thing?

Theo does.

Can you walk me through the entire process?

Sure. At the beginning of the round, you apply by filling out the Application (criteria attached). Once the application period closes (generally 4 days from start), our judges will go through and rank every application from 1 → 10. The application with the consistently highest score gets the grant.

What happens when I win?

The process will be different for every grantee, however, generally we'll schedule a time to have an orientation call, and then from there we'll set goals based on the amount of money you were granted.

Once we’ve agreed on a plan, we’ll send over the money!

How will I receive the money? Do I need a bank account?

Nope! We send you a card in the mail.

Why is it capped to 50 applicants per round?

Our judges are extremely busy people and we need to respect their time. It wouldn’t be fair to tell them that they have to rank every application regardless of count.

But, I have this incredible idea, and I urgently need funding, can you make an exception?

The best we can potentially do is reserve you a slot if someone drops out, shoot us an email.

I’m heavily involved in the tech industry, and I want to judge, where do I go?

Let’s chat!

I have a question that you didn't answer.

Email me.

Apply now.

We can’t wait to see what you’ll make.
